export type RpcWalletTransaction = {
hash: string
fee: string
signature: string
expiration: number
timestamp: number
submittedSequence: number
type: TransactionType
status: TransactionStatus
assetBalanceDeltas: RcpAccountAssetBalanceDelta[]
burns: RpcBurn[]
mints: RpcMint[]
serialized?: string
blockHash?: string
blockSequence?: number
notes?: RpcWalletNote[]
spends?: RpcSpend[]
* @deprecated Please use `notes.length` instead
notesCount: number
* @deprecated Please use `spends.length` instead
spendsCount: number
* @deprecated Please use `mints.length` instead
mintsCount: number
* @deprecated Please use `burns.length` instead
burnsCount: number
* @deprecated This is configuarable via the node config, a setting that the user can pass, so doesn't need to be returned
confirmations: number